I've failed. I cannot take a picture a day, and post it. Here's a little peak at what has been happening the past month.
Cuddling with his Winnie the Pooh. He sleeps so much better when he has something soft against his face. I'm too afraid to let him have it overnight though. It's not that big, and I'm sure he would be able to breathe if it was over his face, but...
Cuddling with his Winnie the Pooh. He sleeps so much better when he has something soft against his face. I'm too afraid to let him have it overnight though. It's not that big, and I'm sure he would be able to breathe if it was over his face, but...

Tony is most likely challenging a scrabble word. We had friends over to celebrate Cory's birthday... a couple weeks early.
Our new photo wall!
First pool day of the season.
The morning of St. Patrick's Day. Love the bedhead.
We went to the Botanical Gardens so I could take Noah's 6 month pictures. A nice lady said she would take one of the 4 of us. Too bad the kids were over the camera being in their face.
Had fun looking at houses online. If we were to move tomorrow I would want to buy this house.
She actually wanted me to take her picture.
Such a big helper.
Zoo day.
A wonder pet with a "flag on her back".
Obligatory monthly picture with his letter.
I have high expectations for her because she is so smart. This picture helps me remember that she is only 2. Chubby little arms, and fingers, fully clothes sitting in a puddle of water on the driveway.
He LOVES her!
Eating ice cream outside.
These are all great! I love the one of you guys at the botanical gardens. You look so pretty and I love your earrings!